Pediatric Neurology & Neurosurgery

Looking Closely at Sport-Related Concussions in Young Children
Although millions of young children play sports, they’re an understudied population for head injuries.
Read MoreLatest in Pediatric Neurology & Neurosurgery

Ventriculostomy After Fetal Repair Enhances Care for Severe Spina Bifida
In treating hydrocephalus following fetal repair of myelomeningocele, endoscopic third ventriculostomy may be recommended.

Silent Cerebral Infarct Complicates Sickle Cell
Preventing these small brain injuries in childhood can improve cognitive functioning and help adults avoid major strokes.

Coding Expanded for Craniosynostosis
Craniofacial surgeons lead updates to an international medical code to reflect important subtype distinctions.

Comprehensive, Early Intervention for Cerebral Palsy
Clinicians from multiple specialties coalesce to identify and provide interventions for a heterogeneous population of affected children.

Advanced Computation in Neurologic Monitoring
Advancements may allow quicker therapeutic interventions.

Intervention in Early Psychosis Helps Mitigate Damage
NAVIGATE program is helping patients regain cognitive skills and minimize life disruption.

Wearables Support Research Into Rare Diseases
Young patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia have new ways to measure diabetes risk.

When There’s No Room for Doubt
Neurocritical care team revives failing patient with resolve and advanced pediatric care.

Study Reviews Surgical Approach to Neural Tube Defect
A MOMS follow-up study finds bipedicle flap closure an effective option for open fetal meningocele repair.