Infectious Diseases

Latest in Infectious Diseases

A scientist's gloved hand reaching for a petri dish of E. coli

On Defense Against Deadly Diarrheal Infections

Study links Turicibacter commensal to protection against severe infections, such as E. coli.
Healthcare workers at a desk looking at a computer monitor with tables of data

Validation Strategies Help Fill EHR Data Gaps

VUMC team pioneers more efficient methods for validating EHR data in biomedical research.
Concept of bacteria cells

Fecal Transplant Outcomes in Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s

Synthesis of 12 studies shows isolated benefits of fecal microbiota transplant, illuminates the disease’s multifactorial treatment requirements.

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Mother holds young girl on hip, touching her forehead. Both are wearing surgical masks.

T-to-A Metric for Fever Fails Scrutiny

Large study results argue against time-prescribed antibiotics for febrile children with cancer.
Two healthcare workers wearing masks and gloves examine chest X-ray

Strategies to Support Pulmonary Transplant Patients – and their New Lungs

Organ storage temperatures and levels of vaccine dosing are being studied to improve outcomes for transplant patients.
Woman sitting on a coach and blowing her nose

Particulates Tied to Chronic Rhinosinusitis

Research team identifies environmental pollutants as an independent risk for this recalcitrant disease.
Illustration of B cells

Clamping Down the Metabolic Pipeline to B Cells

Study shows leveraging metabolic flexibility of white cells may open new therapeutic avenues for lupus and others.
Mother helping child with fever

Bacteremia Count Indicates Overtreatment in Chronic Neutropenia

A study demonstrates why neutrophil count is not a reliable indicator of bacteremia risk in children outside the oncology realm.
Lonely looking black patient in hospital room

APOL1 Tied to Higher COVID-19 Mortality

Nationwide analysis finds variants may confer more than elevated risk of kidney disease.