Research and innovation from the oncology experts at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Targeting the 90 Percent: Treatment-Resistant Colorectal Cancers
Renowned researchers tee up trial of immunotherapy for microsatellite-stable tumors.
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Treating Prostate Cancer with Fewer Side Effects
Focal therapy for prostate cancer could reduce the risk of major treatment-related repercussions.

Mitochondrial Transport Tracked by Innovative GeneMAP
Researchers design GeneMAP en route to defining biological function of “orphan” protein.

Conversational Format Encourages End-of-Life Planning
A new style of advanced-care planning packet helped increase the number of patients with advance directives in the EMR.
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Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases. Browse our referral directory or log into our online portal for referring providers.
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Pragmatic Trial Compares Methods for Lung Diagnosis
Examination of two bronchoscopy systems points to optimal diagnosis method for patients.

Best Practices Update for Surgical Margins
VUMC oncologists and pathologists update best practices in surgical margins involving bone and soft tissue sarcomas.

Signaling Protein in Kidney Cancer Offers Potential Target
Loss of the von Hippel Lindau gene uniquely affects kidney cancer by upregulating a tumor-friendly chemokine.

EHR Holds Clues for Lung Cancer Screening
New tool uncovers information in patient clinic notes to improve lung cancer screening for smokers and former smokers.

Examining the Pros and Cons of New Cancer Therapies
A joint study between GE Healthcare and VUMC uses artificial intelligence to identify potential outcomes for cancer therapies.

Gene Variations Linked to Glaucoma Risk
Risk variants of primary open-angle glaucoma may be ancestry-specific, sex-specific, or both.