Neurology & Neurosurgery

Research and innovation from neurology and neurosurgery specialists at Vanderbilt Health

Latest in Neurology & Neurosurgery

Black man using laptop but showing signs that his hands are in pain

Neuropathies Examined in Hereditary Amyloid Disease

Research is exploring incidence of peripheral system involvement to facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment.
Illustration of Electrode in place for neural stimulation.

Neurostimulation Sparks Hope for Parkinson’s Modification

Study finds deep brain stimulation may slow or even reverse motor symptoms in some patients.
Surgeon at computer

Tool Analyzes Risks for Meningioma Surgery

Web application guides decision-making and strategies for mitigating presurgical morbidities affecting outcomes.

Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases. Browse our referral directory or log into our online portal for referring providers.

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Doctor and patient in consult

Exceptional Growth for Amyloidosis Care

Vanderbilt soars with emerging therapeutics and is the first dedicated amyloidosis treatment center in Tennessee.
Woman in hospital with oxygen mask

How Much Oxygen Best Protects Brain Function?

COPILOT study will answer a critical question regarding oxygen levels.
Photo of a new born baby where the focus is on feet and toes. The umbilical cord is there with surgical scissors attached. The face of the baby is not in the photograph. Body color is pink and feet are slightly purple.

Sixty Seconds to a Healthier Start

State campaign urges adherence to latest standard of care on optimal umbilical cord clamping.
Physician interacting with patient

Stroke and Aneurysm Treatment Scrutinized in Multiple Trials

Device improvements, drugs and registries for cerebrovascular disease are examined for their life-saving potential.
Child with EEG monitoring

Advanced Computation in Neurologic Monitoring

Advancements may allow quicker therapeutic interventions.
Doctor or counselor consulting young man

Intervention in Early Psychosis Helps Mitigate Damage

NAVIGATE program is helping patients regain cognitive skills and minimize life disruption.