Research and innovation from the rheumatology experts at Vanderbilt Health

HDL Switches From Friend to Foe in RA
In rheumatoid arthritis, altered microRNA cargo on HDL blunts protection against cardiovascular disease.
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Trio of Quality Measures Set for Managing Lupus
New guidelines for treating this largely overlooked disease are grounded in registry-based quality measures.

Clamping Down the Metabolic Pipeline to B Cells
Study shows leveraging metabolic flexibility of white cells may open new therapeutic avenues for lupus and others.

Divergent T Cell Activity Holds Clues to Juvenile Arthritis
Blood assays in children with and without the disease show separate paths in T cell differentiation.
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Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases. Browse our referral directory or log into our online portal for referring providers.
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Risk Score Sheds Light on Lupus Diagnosis
Study demonstrates the usefulness of phenotype risk scoring in systemic lupus erythematosus cases.

Tackling the Side Effects of Gout Treatment
Adjunctive leflunomide may avoid the downside of methotrexate.

MSK Ultrasound Aids Early Arthritis Detection
The advent of musculoskeletal ultrasonography opens the door to earlier detection of arthritis and other rheumatological diseases.

Complex Issues Surround Speciality Medication Adherence
Many patients cited social troubles as a serious impediment to correctly following all medication instructions.

Iron Uptake Impacts T Cell Inflammation in Lupus
Study finds targeting excess iron uptake can correct T cell dysfunction.

Demystifying Systemic Scleroderma
Research focuses on heterogenous vascular changes preceding visible skin hardening.