Research and innovation from experts in geriatrics at Vanderbilt Health

Is a Cure for Achalasia on the Horizon?
Phase 3 trial is underway to test whether a shingles medication brings relief to swallowing disorder patients.
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Conversational Format Encourages End-of-Life Planning
A new style of advanced-care planning packet helped increase the number of patients with advance directives in the EMR.

90 Minutes to Tremor Relief with Focused Ultrasound
Improved visualization for higher accuracy is among the suite of advantages for patients seeking noninvasive treatment of tremor.

Cascading Blood Disorder Examined in Older Adults
A pre-cancerous blood cell condition, CHIP, increases mortality risk by affecting cardiovascular, renal and other systems.
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Caring for Patients with Rare Dementia
Vanderbilt operates a specialized clinic for frontotemporal lobe dementia, providing treatment and a coveted chance to participate in research trials.

Confidence in PT Bolsters Success of Non-surgical Treatment
Ten-year MOON study provides more certainty in treatment decisions for less severe rotator cuff tears.

Neurostimulation Sparks Hope for Parkinson’s Modification
Study finds deep brain stimulation may slow or even reverse motor symptoms in some patients.

Age-Friendly Care for Seniors Dealing with Substance Abuse
Curricula are being developed at VUMC to train health care personnel in the details of managing older adults with substance use disorder.

Exceptional Growth for Amyloidosis Care
Vanderbilt soars with emerging therapeutics and is the first dedicated amyloidosis treatment center in Tennessee.

Osteoblast’s Appetites Tied to Bone Health
Osteoblasts of old and young mice differ in metabolic activity that underlies degenerative porosity.