Pulmonology & Critical Care
Research and innovation from Vanderbilt Lung Institute’s pulmonology and critical-care experts

Advanced EVLP Could Extend the Lung Transplant Window
Researchers take another landmark step toward reviving “unusable” lungs.
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Bench-to-Bedside Gap Shrinks with New Trial Designs
The growing translational research movement aims to bring benefits to patients in years instead of decades.

Treatment on Trial to Reverse Long COVID Effects
The NIH-funded trial will determine if immunomodulation can improve brain and cardiovascular dysfunction.

Minor Lung Abnormalities Imply Familial Risk of Fibrosis
A new analysis aims to describe radiographic characteristics and quantify risk in relatives of interstitial lung disease patients.
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Pragmatic Trial Compares Methods for Lung Diagnosis
Examination of two bronchoscopy systems points to optimal diagnosis method for patients.

Pediatricians Urge Preparedness for Mass Casualties
What pediatricians should know to be more effective in assisting children through crisis.

Antipsychotic Raises Respiratory-Death Risk in Young Adults
A 2023 study finds a dose-dependent association between chlorpromazine equivalents and death in non-psychotic young adults.

Inaccurate Allergy Labeling Tagged for Elimination
Allergists establish hospital protocols for identifying and removing falsely applied penicillin-allergy labels.

EHR Holds Clues for Lung Cancer Screening
New tool uncovers information in patient clinic notes to improve lung cancer screening for smokers and former smokers.

6 Degrees to a Better Dual-Organ Transplant
During a double lung-liver transplant, using 10 C for organ storage provided ample time for the inherent complexity.