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Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Workers in Physical Occupations Benefit from Back-Relieving Exosuit

Field tests affirm the wearable device lends flexible support for heavy lifting.
Two physicians looking at lung xray to identify ILD or other lung diseases.
Pulmonology & Critical Care

Tracking Lung Disease Development and Progression

Preemptive CT screening could buy time for intervention.
Mother with Pediatric EGID Patient
Pediatric Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

Measuring the Impact of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders

EGIDs bring difficult, unmet medical and emotional challenges for patients and caregivers.
doctor looking at phone
Changing Medicine

Apps Satisfy Need for Bite-Sized Physician Education

Physician-leaders are homing in on best ways to help busy clinicians weave learning into practice.
Paramedics running to helicopter

Emergency Flight Crews Confront Secondary Trauma

Secondary PTSD has been recognized as a risk for members of hospital flight teams.
Multiracial group of healthcare workers in blue scrubs walking through a lobby in a hospital
Business of Medicine

GME Milestones Predictive of Early Physician Performance

Study sheds light on improving chances of success for underperforming physician trainees.
Changing Medicine

Tackling Physician Burnout: A Strategy for Permanent Change

A task force driving institutional change to promote physician wellness.