
Latest in Nursing

Toddler boy with his mom at neuro appointment

ChatGPT Makes Headway in Healthcare

Study finds ChatGPT holds great potential to transform almost every step of healthcare delivery.
Veterans' dog tags in the shape of a medical cross

Acute Services Lacking for Rural Veterans

VA-funded initiative seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of emergency care for rural veterans.
Two young intercultural doctors or surgeons in protective masks having discussion while walking along hospital corridor

Peer Feedback Prompts Professionalism Among Nurses

A well-established Vanderbilt University Medical Center program has proven effective at reinforcing professionalism and patient safety in a new population: nurses.
A doctor wearing a chef hat writes on a notebook while visiting a sick patient.

Team Approach to Nutrition Delivers Highest Level Care

Multidisciplinary nutrition-support team wins national award for excellence in clinical care.

Pediatricians Urge Preparedness for Mass Casualties

What pediatricians should know to be more effective in assisting children through crisis.

Teleburn Consult Proves Merit for Minor Injuries

New findings demonstrate that teleburn-facilitated patient outcomes are equivalent to in-person care by a burn specialist.
Doctor consulting with patient in an exam room

Advanced Practitioners Flock to Post-grad Training

Vanderbilt broadens its offering of fully accredited, advanced-practice fellowships.
Group collage of photos of individuals holding certificates

Clinicians Call on Clickbusters to Streamline Alerts

Program optimizes clinical-decision support alerts and helps build a culture of continuous evaluation.
Concept -- lighted stairway with arrow at top

Pancreatic Patient Navigator Finds Shorter Routes to Treatment

Nurse-navigator efforts streamline testing, treatment and support beginning with the patient’s initial visit.