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New Guidelines for Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction
Focus on holistic treatment plans that normalize patients’ lives.
Robotic Procedure Creates Functional Ureter from Small Bowel
Tailored anastomotic intervention saves kidney of patient with bladder exstrophy.
Next-day Rescheduling Improves Colonoscopy Prep
Immediate rescheduling could also improve adenoma detection, research suggests.
Navigating Today’s IBD Management Maze
Options expand for patients with these varied and complex disorders.
A “Safety Zone” for Closing Gastroschisis
New evidence helps identify a sweet spot for intervention decisions.
Medical Drink Could Provide Diarrhea Remedy for Cancer Patients
Enterade® beverage may relieve common side effect of chemotherapy.
Gaining Long-term Perspective on Prostate Cancer Outcomes
Update from landmark CEASAR trial compares treatments at five years.
Hormones Deployed to Support Surgical Weight Loss
SADI-S offers benefits for patients with obesity and diabetes compared to traditional methods for bariatric surgery.
Managing Opportunistic Infections in IBD
Finding alternative therapies to TNF-alpha inhibitors.
Youthful Presentation May Obscure Diagnosis in Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer
Literature review details late presentation, rising numbers and growing support needs for younger patients.
Ileovesicostomy for Refractory Bladder in Children
Some patients gain stable or superior renal and urologic function compared with augmentation cystoplasty.
Comparing Patient-Reported Outcomes for Treating Localized Prostate Cancer
The CEASAR study brings long-term insight into adverse effects of prostate cancer treatments.