Pediatric Urology

Latest in Pediatric Urology

Mother and doctor smiling at a happy young girl lying down in a hospital bed

Study Suggests Shorter Antibiotic Course for Medically Complex Children

In a group of hospitalized children, readmissions for UTI were fewer among those given short-course IV antibiotics.
Man sitting on a couch taking notes on a clipboard while videoconferencing with a therapist

Online Therapy Improves Pain, Overall Satisfaction

Interstitial cystitis patients reported that telemedicine sessions provided substantial benefits.
Fluoroscopic images showing bladder trabeculation (left) and vesicoureteral reflux (right) in patients with spina bifida.

Botox or AC for Children with Spina Bifida?

Botox use is on the rise, but study on decision factors reinforce important personal aspects of bladder management decisions.
Illustration of floating bacteria

How Bacteria Battles Acidity to Cause UTIs

A novel mechanism of acid resistance expands E. coli’s defenses and may guide researchers toward better treatment for a common infection.
Close-up portrait of beautiful smiling disabled child in the arms of mother.

Comprehensive, Early Intervention for Cerebral Palsy

Clinicians from multiple specialties coalesce to identify and provide interventions for a heterogeneous population of affected children.
Urine labs

Oxygen Pathway a Potential New Target in Bladder Injury

New discoveries about the HIF-PHD axis may aid efforts to prevent or treat inflammatory bladder injury.
Robotic surgery suite at VUMC

Robotics in Small Spaces: A Pediatric Surgery Milestone

Case study of fistula repair demonstrates robotics feasibility in small children.
Child in wheelchair

Self-Catheterization Guidance Prepares Families for Important Milestone

Occupational therapists play a critical role in improved toileting independence in pediatric patients with neurogenic bladder.
Young man in pain

Treatment Delays Costly to Teens with Testicular Torsion

ED and Urology adherence to TWIST score promotes a quicker path to surgery and better outcomes.