Pediatric Pulmonology & Lung Surgery

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Esophageal Atresia
In a new procedure, long-gap esophageal atresia is successfully repaired through elongation alone.
Read MoreLatest in Pediatric Pulmonology & Lung Surgery

Strategies to Support Pulmonary Transplant Patients – and their New Lungs
Organ storage temperatures and levels of vaccine dosing are being studied to improve outcomes for transplant patients.

Atlas of Cells Sparks New Thinking in Lung Injury
Single-cell sequencing drives a need to look beyond ‘hallmark’ genes.

Severe Asthma Gains Chance at Remission
New criteria highlight possibilities for achieving remission for asthma patients.

Flu Risk Significant in Children with Solid Organ Transplants
Large multicenter study quantifies the flu season challenge to young transplant recipients.

When There’s No Room for Doubt
Neurocritical care team revives failing patient with resolve and advanced pediatric care.

Biologics Give Regular Life Back to Children with Asthma
Though the right choice for many severe cases, biologics may be underused.

RSV Exposure Heightens Childhood Asthma Risk
The new INSPIRE study demonstrates associations between first-year RSV infection and asthma.

Exchanging Presumptions for Trauma-Informed Care
The newer approach avoids pitfalls and failings of 'culturally competent' care.

Hypertension Gene Improves Odds in Congenital Heart Disease
A predisposition for adult hypertension is a single-factor indicator pointing to better surgical outcomes for babies with congenital heart disease.