Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Research and innovation from physical medicine and rehabilitation experts at Vanderbilt Health

Latest in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Veterans' dog tags in the shape of a medical cross

Acute Services Lacking for Rural Veterans

VA-funded initiative seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of emergency care for rural veterans.

Blood Test to Assess Cardiovascular Fitness

A protein panel offers a quick glimpse into heart health.
Woman with crutches getting out of the passenger side of a car

Toolkit Eases Recovery from Traumatic Injury

A VUMC researcher helped develop a program that enhances recovery after a traumatic orthopedic injury.

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Mitochondrial DNA in a ring accurately predicting gene function

Mitochondrial Transport Tracked by Innovative GeneMAP

Researchers design GeneMAP en route to defining biological function of “orphan” protein.

90 Minutes to Tremor Relief with Focused Ultrasound

Improved visualization for higher accuracy is among the suite of advantages for patients seeking noninvasive treatment of tremor.

Confidence in PT Bolsters Success of Non-surgical Treatment

Ten-year MOON study provides more certainty in treatment decisions for less severe rotator cuff tears.
Male staff guides an elderly woman to an MRI machine

Ultrasound Breakthrough Treats Pain Noninvasively

Grant empowers researchers to test their fMRI-guided ultrasound system on essential tremor and post-stroke pain.
Fluoroscopic images showing bladder trabeculation (left) and vesicoureteral reflux (right) in patients with spina bifida.

Botox or AC for Children with Spina Bifida?

Botox use is on the rise, but study on decision factors reinforce important personal aspects of bladder management decisions.
Close-up portrait of beautiful smiling disabled child in the arms of mother.

Comprehensive, Early Intervention for Cerebral Palsy

Clinicians from multiple specialties coalesce to identify and provide interventions for a heterogeneous population of affected children.