Pediatric Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

Latest in Pediatric Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

Mature man feeling sore throat with painful swallow

Is a Cure for Achalasia on the Horizon?

Phase 3 trial is underway to test whether a shingles medication brings relief to swallowing disorder patients.
Bagged breast milk in a freezer

Oligosaccharide in Human Milk Reduces Intestinal Inflammation

VUMC researchers aim to understand how oligosaccharide in human milk protects the intestinal barrier and decreases susceptibility to inflammation.
Tears from a mother's eye falling into an empty bowl

Malnutrition and Maternal Depression Linked in Sickle Cell Study

Study finds maternal depression is independently associated with malnutrition in Nigerian children with sickle cell anemia.
A doctor wearing a chef hat writes on a notebook while visiting a sick patient.

Team Approach to Nutrition Delivers Highest Level Care

Multidisciplinary nutrition-support team wins national award for excellence in clinical care.

Suture-free Closure Reduces Risk in Gastroschisis

Closure technique helps keep antibiotic usage selective and short-term, especially in simple cases.
A scientist's gloved hand reaching for a petri dish of E. coli

On Defense Against Deadly Diarrheal Infections

Study links Turicibacter commensal to protection against severe infections, such as E. coli.
Surgeons in an operating room performing a laparascopic surgery

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Esophageal Atresia

In a new procedure, long-gap esophageal atresia is successfully repaired through elongation alone.
Concept of bacteria cells

Fecal Transplant Outcomes in Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s

Synthesis of 12 studies shows isolated benefits of fecal microbiota transplant, illuminates the disease’s multifactorial treatment requirements.
Nauseated young girl. She is wearing a sleeveless white shirt and covering her nose and mouth

Slow-Wave Imaging Shows Pattern in Nausea

VUMC researchers are delving into slow-wave activity to pin down nausea's origins and best therapies.