Pediatric Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

Enhancing Quality of Life for Transplant Patients, Pre-surgery
Expert guidance for enabling children to optimize health and well-being while awaiting a liver transplant.
Read MoreLatest in Pediatric Gastroenterology & GI Surgery

ChatGPT Makes Headway in Healthcare
Study finds ChatGPT holds great potential to transform almost every step of healthcare delivery.

Mealtime Problems Common in Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Multidisciplinary support and caregiver education are important.

Is a Cure for Achalasia on the Horizon?
Phase 3 trial is underway to test whether a shingles medication brings relief to swallowing disorder patients.

Oligosaccharide in Human Milk Reduces Intestinal Inflammation
VUMC researchers aim to understand how oligosaccharide in human milk protects the intestinal barrier and decreases susceptibility to inflammation.

Malnutrition and Maternal Depression Linked in Sickle Cell Study
Study finds maternal depression is independently associated with malnutrition in Nigerian children with sickle cell anemia.

Team Approach to Nutrition Delivers Highest Level Care
Multidisciplinary nutrition-support team wins national award for excellence in clinical care.

Suture-free Closure Reduces Risk in Gastroschisis
Closure technique helps keep antibiotic usage selective and short-term, especially in simple cases.

On Defense Against Deadly Diarrheal Infections
Study links Turicibacter commensal to protection against severe infections, such as E. coli.

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Esophageal Atresia
In a new procedure, long-gap esophageal atresia is successfully repaired through elongation alone.