Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery

Research and innovation from the cardiology experts at Vanderbilt Health Institute

Latest in Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery


Oxidative Stress Examined in Cardiac Surgery

Randomized single-site study answers questions about the potential superiority of either approach.
Heart surgery operation

Vanderbilt Heart-Transplant Team Sets International Record

Hard work, innovation led transplant center to accomplishment.

Blood Test to Assess Cardiovascular Fitness

A protein panel offers a quick glimpse into heart health.

Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases.

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2 year old open heart surgery survivor getting check-up

Gray Zone for Flow in Single Ventricle Palliation

Short-term benefits of aortopulmonary collaterals lead to longer term burden as volumes increase.
Senior woman with chest pain suffering from heart attack during jogging

Stage 1 Kidney Injury Linked to Heart Failure Subtype

Study uncovers relationship between two health conditions: AKI and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

Measuring Mortality in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Evidence suggests systolic function and circumferential strain are key factors in cardiac health for DMD patients.

Intervention Reduces Malpractice Claims and Payouts

An intervention model aims to identify and reduce malpractice risk for large, single-specialty practices.

New Line of Defense Against Inflammation

Researchers home in on the last, much-neglected phases in the body’s response to injury.

Scaffolding Protein Found as Key to Vascular Reactivity

Results point to anion channel blockers to help mitigate reactive oxygen species in inflammation.