Pulmonology & Critical Care

Research and innovation from Vanderbilt Lung Institute’s pulmonology and critical-care experts

Latest in Pulmonology & Critical Care

6 Degrees to a Better Dual-Organ Transplant

During a double lung-liver transplant, using 10 C for organ storage provided ample time for the inherent complexity.

T-to-A Metric for Fever Fails Scrutiny

Large study results argue against time-prescribed antibiotics for febrile children with cancer.

Strategies to Support Pulmonary Transplant Patients – and their New Lungs

Organ storage temperatures and levels of vaccine dosing are being studied to improve outcomes for transplant patients.

Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases. Browse our referral directory or log into our online portal for referring providers.

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Surgeons in surgical suite with patient obscured. Blue overtones

Stoking Successful Heart Replacement in Adults with CHD

Vanderbilt transplant expert weighs in on how to set up CHD patients to survive and thrive after transplantation.
Green and purple close up of cellular image

Atlas of Cells Sparks New Thinking in Lung Injury

Single-cell sequencing drives a need to look beyond ‘hallmark’ genes.

Improving Lung Health for Preterm Babies

Team-based quality improvement framework has brought organization to neonatal initiatives and improved respiratory outcomes.
Doctor holding patient's hand in critical care unit

Which Antibiotics to Choose for Hospital Infection?

Cefepime raised neurotoxicity risk; piperacillin-tazobactam did not raise risk to kidneys as previously thought.
Surgery team performing heart transplant

Transplant Excellence Result of Skill, Innovation and Teamwork

Vanderbilt surpasses its previous annual record for solid organ transplants, establishing it as the fifth-largest transplant center in the nation.
Futuristic illustration of provider with lung x-Ray

Refined Tool Aids in Lung Cancer Diagnosis

The TREAT 2.0 model outperforms conventional models for lung cancer prediction.