Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery

Latest in Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery

African American nurse speaking with a pregnant woman and her partner in hospital ward.

Minding Alerts to Long QT Syndrome Reduces Stillbirth

Early intervention when fetal heart rates go awry can mitigate morbidity and mortality risks.
Nurse reassures girl lying down in an MRI machiine

Silent Cerebral Infarct Complicates Sickle Cell

Preventing these small brain injuries in childhood can improve cognitive functioning and help adults avoid major strokes.
Pregnant woman seated on a bed about to take a vitamin with water

Best Practices in Fetal Arrhythmias Outlined

Scientific statement also addresses the neonatal period.
Illustration of blood forming a clot in a vein

Three-quarters of Physicians Brush Off Automated Advice

Physicians mostly ignored the evidence-based suggestions for their pediatric patients.
Surgeons in surgical suite with patient obscured. Blue overtones

Stoking Successful Heart Replacement in Adults with CHD

Vanderbilt transplant expert weighs in on how to set up CHD patients to survive and thrive after transplantation.
Child getting flu shot

Flu Risk Significant in Children with Solid Organ Transplants

Large multicenter study quantifies the flu season challenge to young transplant recipients.
Woman using telemedicine to check glycemic levels

Wearables Support Research Into Rare Diseases

Young patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia have new ways to measure diabetes risk.
Kid having heart examined by doctor

Personalized Medicine for Congenital Heart Disease

Identifying the best individual approach for each child is the next step forward in treatment of CHD.
Child cancer patient

Stronger Hearts for Childhood Cancer Survivors

Pediatric oncologists and cardiologists collaborate on reducing cardiotoxic effects of cancer treatment.