Changing Medicine

Machine Learning Probes Distinctions in Lupus Types
New AI approach identifies ways lupus manifests in different patients, potentially leading to more personalized treatment.
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Portal Opens Access to Diabetes Self-Management
Optimizing communication portals for patients can empower them to take charge of their diabetes management.

Teams Map Early Progress of Colorectal Cancer
Vanderbilt is creating a roadmap of colorectal cancer progression as part of an NCI-funded Cancer Moonshot initiative.

Seeking Shorter Routes Between Research and Patient Care
A new center to expand the real-world impact of Veterans Affairs research.
Partners in Care
Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows Vanderbilt Health specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases.
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ChatGPT Makes Headway in Healthcare
Study finds ChatGPT holds great potential to transform almost every step of healthcare delivery.

Acute Services Lacking for Rural Veterans
VA-funded initiative seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of emergency care for rural veterans.

Bench-to-Bedside Gap Shrinks with New Trial Designs
The growing translational research movement aims to bring benefits to patients in years instead of decades.

Toolkit Eases Recovery from Traumatic Injury
A VUMC researcher helped develop a program that enhances recovery after a traumatic orthopedic injury.

Wearable Tech Warns of Potential Problem Behaviors
Autism community members contributed concepts in developing the system.

Treating Prostate Cancer with Fewer Side Effects
Focal therapy for prostate cancer could reduce the risk of major treatment-related repercussions.