Business of Medicine

Latest in Business of Medicine

Toddler boy with his mom at neuro appointment

ChatGPT Makes Headway in Healthcare

Study finds ChatGPT holds great potential to transform almost every step of healthcare delivery.
Veterans' dog tags in the shape of a medical cross

Acute Services Lacking for Rural Veterans

VA-funded initiative seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of emergency care for rural veterans.
Clinical trial collaboration around the world

Bench-to-Bedside Gap Shrinks with New Trial Designs

The growing translational research movement aims to bring benefits to patients in years instead of decades.

Ideas to Inventions: Leveraging Academic Research

Vanderbilt professor guides researchers in turning creative ideas into businesses with the potential to improve healthcare.
Two young intercultural doctors or surgeons in protective masks having discussion while walking along hospital corridor

Peer Feedback Prompts Professionalism Among Nurses

A well-established Vanderbilt University Medical Center program has proven effective at reinforcing professionalism and patient safety in a new population: nurses.
professional surgeons and assistants talk and use digital tablet computer during surgery

Surgeons Top Reports of Unprofessional Behavior

Surgeons and nonsurgeon proceduralists experienced more reports of unprofessional behavior, according to a new restrospective study.

Physician-Patient Messaging Ripe for AI Upgrade

Pilot study suggests large language model programs may help improve the efficiency of patient-provider messaging.

Ingredients for Making Your Business Idea Investor-Ready

Vanderbilt’s Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization helps researchers with business ideas identify potential investors.

Three Wins for Bench-to-Market Ideas

The technology transfer process for researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has brought numerous inventions out of the research lab into the hands of consumers.