
Innovation and discoveries from the most advanced children’s hospital in the region

Nirsevimab Effective Against Severe RSV in Infants
Demand is driven by the severity and frequency of the illness.
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ChatGPT Makes Headway in Healthcare
Study finds ChatGPT holds great potential to transform almost every step of healthcare delivery.

Looking Closely at Sport-Related Concussions in Young Children
Although millions of young children play sports, they’re an understudied population for head injuries.

Wearable Tech Warns of Potential Problem Behaviors
Autism community members contributed concepts in developing the system.
Partners in Care
Medical expertise infused with integrated technology allows our specialists to build partnerships and elevate care in complex and specialized cases. Browse our referral directory or log into our online portal for referring providers.
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Gray Zone for Flow in Single Ventricle Palliation
Short-term benefits of aortopulmonary collaterals lead to longer term burden as volumes increase.

Malnutrition and Maternal Depression Linked in Sickle Cell Study
Study finds maternal depression is independently associated with malnutrition in Nigerian children with sickle cell anemia.

16 Genetic Links Found Between Rhythm and Language
New research strengthens evidence that rhythm and language have a shared genetic basis.

Ventriculostomy After Fetal Repair Enhances Care for Severe Spina Bifida
In treating hydrocephalus following fetal repair of myelomeningocele, endoscopic third ventriculostomy may be recommended.

Mitochondrial Transport Tracked by Innovative GeneMAP
Researchers design GeneMAP en route to defining biological function of “orphan” protein.

Team Approach to Nutrition Delivers Highest Level Care
Multidisciplinary nutrition-support team wins national award for excellence in clinical care.